M&P 45 Super*
A fellow named Alton LeFebvre emailed me and asked if a Smith &Wesson M&P 45 could be converted for 45 super.
told him I didn't know. I said it should be fine, but to proceed
at his own risk. The question nagged at me. Finally I broke
down and ordered a police trade in M&P 45 sent to my local FFL.
I ordered it from Sportsman's Outdoor Superstore. Never
dealt with them before, but they were first rate.

took it to the range. I put a couple of magazines of ball
45acp through it to test for function. Then (!!Don't try this!!))
I loaded a single round of some old Triton factory .450smc. I
fired it, then picked up the brass and examined it. There were no
signs of overpressure, no primer smearing, and except for a ding where
the ejector hit the headstamp at way too high a speed, everything
looked good. I did four more single round tests, and
did a detailed examination of the pistol to make sure it
wasn't taking any damage where the slide was slamming into the frame.
It looked pristine, so I decided to proceed. I ordered a 24
pound recoil spring and guide from Wolff. Took it back to the
range, and had a great time with several more boxes of that old
.450smc. (I bought a bunch of boxes when it was on closeout at
Sportsman's Guide right after Triton went out of business.) It worked just fine. It
was a great pistol, but I wanted to do something more with it. I
ordered a factory M&P 45 threaded barrel from Bullseye indoor range
and gun shop.

to this image from the website, it does not come with a thread
protector. That was fine with me, because I was ordering a muzzle
brake from Rex Silentium.

makes it really comfortable shooting 45super. Amazingly it will
still cycle (barely) with ball 45acp. It's the softest shooting
45 I've ever experienced. I intend to try it with some light
semi-wadcutter factory loads, but I'm betting it won't cycle. Fun
And as always,
* ".45 SuperŪ" is a
Trade Mark of Ace Custom 45's Inc.